Mondays - Wise Fools, Philosophy VS Comedy (Pberg)

Wise Fools is a comedy show that pits the skills of Berlin's best stand up comedians against some of the oldest questions in humanity.

Comedians Vs Philosophy!

The role of the fool in society has been a long and noble one with the occasional fart joke tossed in for good measure.

Wise Fools aims to take the foolhardy honesty and observational acumen of the comedian and aim it squarely at some of the biggest questions and topics to haunt the minds of great thinkers over the last two thousand years or so.

The audience will also get the chance to see if they can't 'Socratic-method' one of Berlin's finest comics into a puddle of existential tears under a hail of incisive or not so incisive audience questions/heckles.